Flutter Mobile App Course in Mumbai [Updated-2025]

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai

There is no such thing as the best Classes or the worst ones. Sounds strange but this is true! No matter what a training institute claims about its training faculty or infrastructure, you might find that most of the times all the claims were hollow.

Due to the huge demand of Flutter mobile app development training institutes offering Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai are mushrooming even in dingy lanes across the country. So, you need to check thoroughly over the web about the authenticity of all the claims. What matters is that there should be a good student-teacher ratio, infrastructure, and provision of imparting hands-on training so that the learning outcomes are positive.

In Simple words, if we understand then, a Flutter mobile application is a process to make software for Flutter mobile devices to perform various functions like downloading or making purchases. It is mostly done for Android and iOS. Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai the software can be installed, downloaded from the app store, or can be accessed through the Flutter mobile web browser.

The process of creating a software application that is compatible with Flutter mobile devices say smartphones. These software applications use a particular network connection working with remote computing resources. Flutter mobile application development is done by creating a software bundle (binaries, code, assets) that can be installed on a Flutter mobile/smartphone device. These Flutter mobile applications are developed for various devices like android or iOS or for both. The application uses unique features of the Flutter mobile device providing the advantages in particular ways. Examples of these are the accelerometer sensor is used to count the steps of the person having Flutter mobile while walking or running. Nowadays, from ordering food to booking cab is done with the help of doing a few clicks on an app. Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Can you imagine how easier these apps made our lives! That is why more and more small businesses and enterprises are looking for companies that offer Flutter mobile app development services. Most of the businessmen are not developers, that is why they hire developers or look for companies that can develop a Flutter mobile app for them. Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Like Web application development, Flutter mobile application development has its roots in more traditional software development. One critical difference, however, is that Flutter mobile applications (apps) are often written specifically to take advantage of the unique features a particular Flutter mobile device offers. For instance, a gaming app might be written to take advantage of the iPhone’s accelerometer or a Flutter mobile health app might be written to take advantage of a smartwatch’s temperature sensor. Flutter mobile Application Development is the set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices.

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Flutter mobile app development is the act or process by which a Flutter mobile app is developed for Flutter mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or Flutter mobile phones. The user is often the focus of interaction with their device, and the interface entails components of both hardware and software. In this booming digital era, companies and organizations across the globe are highly swayed by digital platforms to carry out their day-to-day tasks and data-driven operations. Flutter mobile app development is a term used to denote the act or process by which a Flutter mobile app is developed for Flutter mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or Flutter mobile phones. Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to provide an “application-like” experience within a Web browser. Application software developers also must consider a long array of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configurations because of intense competition in Flutter mobile software and changes within each of the platforms. Flutter mobile app development has been steadily growing, in revenues and jobs created. A 2013 analyst report estimates there are 529,000 direct app economy jobs within the EU 28 members, 60% of which are Flutter mobile app developers.

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Flutter mobile application development is the set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices. Flutter mobile application development is based on traditional software development. Flutter mobile apps are often written specifically to take advantage of the unique features a particular Flutter mobile device offers. Hybrid Apps: Hybrid apps have property of both i.e., of native apps and of web apps. Like native apps, they can be downloaded from an app store and are platform independent. Like web apps, they rely on HTML being rendered in a browser, with the caveat that the browser is embedded within the app.

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Hybrid apps allow cross-platform development feature, so for each type of device and for platforms you don’t have to write separate set of code, thus significantly reduce development costs: that is, the same HTML code components can be reused on different Flutter mobile operating systems. Tools such as PhoneGap, Sencha Touch are used to create hybrid apps. Flutter mobile app development is not just about building phone apps, though it is a huge part of it. It primarily means development for any kind of Flutter mobile devices such as developing apps for phones, tablets, smartwatches, and every form of wearable devices that run any kind of Flutter mobile operating system.

There are two ways to become a Flutter mobile application developer.

  1. Be a coder
  2. Develop apps without coding

In the first case, Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai you need to opt first whether you want to be Android apps developer or iOS developer or others. For this, you need to know the demand growth perspective too. After a platform chosen you need to go through video tutorials for the chosen platform. Then try to create as many apps as you can. Whenever you get stuck up contact developer platforms like Quora, Stack overflow etc. for the answer regarding your queries. In the case of second point, you just need to learn to use tools available. By it you just need app ideas. If you will have app ideas, you can create apps and deploy them to app stores without getting into codes.

There are multiple types of applications available, some of them are listed below:

Hybrid Applications

Encapsulated Applications

Native Applications

Libraries and frameworks

Flutter Course Content

Module 1:


macOS Development Environment.

Flutter Windows Setup.

Windows Development Environment.

Flutter is Under Active Development.

Introduction to Flutter

What is Flutter.

Understanding the Flutter Architecture.

Flutter macOS Setup.

Module 2:


Creating the “Product Manager” Widget.

Passing Data to Stateful Widgets.

Understanding Lifecycle Hooks.

Diving Into Google’s Material Design.

Understanding Additional Dart Features.

Passing Data Up.

Understanding “const” & “final”.

Diving Into the Basics & Understanding Widgets

Creating a New Flutter Project.

Exploring the Default Project Structure.

Diving Into the “main.dart” File.

Widgets in Flutter – Theory.

Creating a Widget.

Adding the “Build” Method.

Adding the Scaffold.

Diving Into the Official Docs.

Adding a Button.

Creating a Stateful Widget.

Managing Data Inside Stateful Widgets.

Adding the Stateful Widget & Lists.

Diving Deeper Into the Syntax.

Adding Cards & Images.

Module 3:


Debugging the User Interface.

Visual Helpers.

Debugging Flutter Apps

Fixing Syntax Errors.

Understanding Runtime Errors & Runtime Messages.

Dealing with Logical Errors.

Using Breakpoints.

Module 4:


Using the iOS Emulator & a Real Device.

Using the Native IDE Consoles.

Running the App on Different Devices

Testing Devices.

How to Start the App.

Testing a Real Android Device.

Module 5:


Rendering Content Conditionally.

Alternative Approaches to Render Content Conditionally.

Working with Lists & Conditionals

Creating Scrollable Lists with “ListView”.

Optimizing the List Loading Behaviour.

Module 6:


Adding Tabs.

Parsing Route Data Manually.

Lifting State Up.

Using the Named Routes.


Adding Multiple Pages to our App.

Adding Buttons.

Implementing a Basic Navigation.

Adding Reactions Upon Button Pressing.

Adding the Basic Authentication Page & Replacing Routes.

Adding the Sidedrawer & the Hamburger Icon.

Understanding Stack Based Navigation.

Working with “onUnknownRoute” as Fallback.

Adding Alert Dialogs.

Showing a Modal.

Improving the Look of the Product Page.

Passing Data Around (“Pushing” the Page).

Passing Information Back (“Popping” the Page).

Module 7:


Fixing a Bug & Adding a Button.

Using our Form to Create a New Product.

Improving the Style of our Form.

Handling User Input

Saving User Input.

Configuring Text Fields.

Styling Text Fields.

Module 8:


Adding Icon Buttons.

Outsourcing Code into Separate Widgets.

Refactoring our Code.

Creating a Standardized Tile Widget.

Diving Deeper Into Widgets

Exploring the Widget Catalogue.

There’s More Than One Widget For The Job.

Working with Text & Fonts.

Working with Rows.

Decorating Boxes & Styling a Price Tag.

Setting Borders.

Understanding “Expanded” & “Flexible”.

Responsive Design Problems.

Adding Media Queries.

Understanding Media Queries with ListView.

Working with Themes.

Listening to Touch Events with the Gesture Detector.

Adding a Background Image.

Centering Input Fields.

Adding Icons to our Sidemenu.

Adding Separate Methods for Specific Widgets.

Optimizing our Project.

Module 9:


Outputting Lists of Products.

Re-Using the Product Create Form.

Advanced Validation.

Closing the Keyboard.

Submitting Data.

Updating Products.

Ensuring Input Visibility.

Setting Initial Values.

Working with Forms

Using the Form Widget.

Adding Form Validation.

Module 10:


Deleting Products Upon Swipe.

Restructuring the Code.

Improving the App

Improving the List Tile.

Adding the Dismissible Widget.

Module 11:


Editing & Deleting Products with the Scoped Model.

Finishing the Product Model.

A Note on Immutability.

Models & State Management

What can be Improved?.

Viewing Single Products.

Creating the Toggle Favorite Method.

Working on the Favorite Feature.

Adding “notifylisteners”.

Finishing the Favorite Feature.

Using Mixins to Merge Models.

Adding a User Model.

Logging in with the Main & the User Model.

Connecting Models & Sharing Data.

Adding a Product Model.

Creating a Scoped Model.

Connecting the Scoped Model.

Providing the Scoped Model.

Module 12:


Updating Products.

Deleting Products.

Using Pull to Refresh.

Adding “fadein” to the Image Placeholder.

Getting Data From a Server.

Transforming & Extracting Response Data.

Displaying a Loading Spinner.

Finishing the Loading Spinner.

Adjusting the Scoped Model & the Selected Product.

Fixing the Product Selection.

Handling Error Responses.

Generic Error Handling.

Adding “async” “await”.

Models & State Management

Understanding the Backend Setup.

Sending a POST Request.

Using the Response.

Module 13:


Authenticating Requests with Tokens.

Storing the Token on the Device.

Signing Users In Automatically.

Handling Errors.

Adding a Spinner Whilst Signing Up.

Adding the Signin Functionality.

Refactoring our Code.

Route Protection & Redirection.

Fixing the Manual Logout.

Time for a Quick Recap Regarding our Code Structure.

Adding Optimistic Updating to Store the Favorite Status.

Fetching the Favorite Status.

Allow Editing for own Posts Only.

Adding a Logout Button.

Adding Autologout.


How Authentication Works.

Adding a “Confirm Password” Textfield.

Implementing the Signup Functionality.

Module 14:


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Adding the Update Method for the Location.

Adding the Location Package.

Getting the User Location.

Preventing Memory Leaks.

Displaying the Address.

Adding a Static Dummy Map.

Sending a Request to Convert an Address to Coordinates.

Adding Geocoding & Maps with Real Coordinates.

Working on the Map Control.

Storing Location Data in the Database.

Fixing a Bug.

Loading Location Data from the Backend.

Updating an Existing Product’s Position.

Showing a Fullscreen Map.

Adding Google Maps to our App

Using MapView with the latest Flutter Version.

Unlocking the Required APIs.

Requesting Permissions.

Preparing our Text Form Field.

Module 15:

…………………Best digital marketing Course in Vashi – 2022 (Updated)

Setting Up Firebase Cloud Functions.

Adding Server Side Code.

Reading Incoming Files & Fields.

Storing Data and Move it to a Temporary Storage.

Adding the “Use Camera” & “Gallery” Buttons.

Connecting the “Choose” Buttons to the Image Picker.

Adding an Image Preview.

Adding Text Editing Controllers.

Fixing an Error.

Fetching & Using Images.

Previewing & Editing the Image.

Adding the Image Upload Flow.

Deleting Images When Deleting a Product.

Deploying our Firebase Cloud Function.

Configuring the Upload Request.

Setting Headers to Add the Token.

Accessing the Device Camera

Adding an Image Picker Button.

Module 16:


Animating the Options Button.

Fading the Password Field In & Out.

Sliding the Password Field In & Out.

Adding Hero Widgets.

Adding Animations to our Project

Adding Floating Action Buttons (FABs).

Adding Functionality to our Favorite Button.

Working on the Contact Button.

Animating the Contact Icon.

Animating the Favorite Icon.f

Adding the Sliver Effect.

Adding Route Transitions.

Module 17:


Possible Code Restructurings.

Managing Global Values.

Polishing & Bugfixing

Fixing an Autologout Bug.

Fixing the Price Input in Landscape Mode.

Testing the iPhone & Fixing the Product Reset Logic.

Adding Space on the Product Card.

Using Flutter Analyze.

Testing the App on an Android Device.

Testing the App on an iPhone & Fixing the European Decimal Comma.

Fixing the Filtered Product Index.

Fixing the Product Title Style & the Favorite Product Selection.

Clearing All Products Before Fetching.

Module 18:


Adding a Platform Specific Theme.

When Should we Use Platform Specific Themes?.

Running Platform Specific Code

Understanding Material Design & Cupertino.

Detecting the Platform.

Using Platform Specific Widgets.

iOS Support since Flutter 0.8.2.

Module 19:


Writing Native iOS Code.

Adding Native Code to our Flutter App

Understanding the Communication Between Flutter & Native Code.

Writing Native Android Code.

Running Native Android Code.

Running Native iOS Code.

Module 20:


Finalizing our Code.

Restricting API Keys.

Adding Native Code to our Flutter App

Adjusting the App Name.

Deploying the Android App.

Deploying the iOS App.

Installing Flutter Launch Icons.

Adding a Splash Screen.

Major Flutter mobile Development Platforms


iOS developed by Apple runs exclusively on Apple products. Apple provides iOS developers with many native tools and libraries to develop iOS applications, and, though you do not have to be enforced to use Apple’s development tools to create your apps, you just need to have a mac running OS X to build your application.


Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Android is the other major player in this space. It joined the race way later than iOS; it was started in 2008 Android is the Flutter mobile OS with the most dominant share of the market with around 80% share compared to iOS’s 18 % share. Android is backed by Google. It is designed to run on a variety of different hardware platforms and devices with very different form factors and capabilities.

1) Hybrid Apps: Hybrid apps have property of both i.e., of native apps and of web apps. Like native apps, they can be downloaded from an app store and are platform independent. Like web apps, they rely on HTML being rendered in a browser, with the caveat that the browser is embedded within the app.

Hybrid apps allow cross-platform development feature, so for each type of device and for platforms you don’t have to write separate set of code, thus significantly reduce development costs: that is, the same HTML code components can be reused on different Flutter mobile operating systems. Tools such as PhoneGap, Sencha Touch are used to create hybrid apps.

2) Web Apps: Web apps are not real apps, they are infact websites, which give more comprehensive user experience and interaction like native apps, it run on a Flutter mobile web browser.

3) Native Apps: Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai These types of application have access of device system and other applications. They are downloaded from respective app store (For windows phone – Windows app store, For android phone – Google play store, iOS phone – Apple play store etc.) These types of applications are fastest, most reliable and give maximum user experience.

Learn Android in three ways:

  1. Learning on your own – Last but not the least, is learning on your own. There are plenty of tutorial websites on the internet which are teaching Android to budding developers.
  2. Join a workshop – If you are still in college, many times companies run workshops in institutes to promote themselves. I myself learned Android this way. Surely, a certificate of workshop is lower in value than a certification Course, but this will help you get started and will be a great boost for you.
  3. Join a training institute – If you are willing to spend some money, join a training institute. The advantage will be you will be taught Android by an experienced person in the field and you’ll also get certified, thus helping in future jobs.


  1. Software – You will need Java Development Kit (JDK), Android Studio IDE and Android SDK (which can be downloaded from the Android Studio itself). Download all these programs and install them. JDK is less than 200 MB in size. Android Studio IDE is 300 MB. The SDK is massive, nearly 1 GB after installing (just for the latest Android version).
  2. Read the tutorials. Start with the hello world program and familiarise with the environment. Then head to basic elements of GUI, their coding, then Activities etc. Do not get excited and jump to higher level right away. I know it’s fun but, in the end, you’ll be saturating your mind.
  3. An Android phone. Although this is optional, emulators tend to be very, very slow. Get an Android phone and enable developer options. After that enable USB debugging and you can use your phone to install and debug applications from the Studio.
  4. Have bare minimum knowledge of Java. Android is coded in Java, but you need not know the entire language very well. Just the basics will do, you’ll catch up with it in no time.

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai Do you want to do an android development training Course from the best institute?

EduNaka.com are here doing the training programs for android development.

There are various Android Development Online Courses you can start with YouTube online videos but try to do hands on with application

You can refer android documentation it is very good in getting each and every concept it helps me a lot to understand concepts deeply.

Nowadays Kotlin is trending so try to learn and build android application with kotlin.

Their Course content includes frameworks and tools, communications via network, Android Graphics, and much more.

The most popular services include Flutter mobile Application Development Training, Android App Training, and iOS App Development Training at affordable rates.

Offering job assistance for freshers as well as experienced professionals, Craw security is the perfect choice for your new career.

All Courses are done on a Real-Time Interactive platform and can be accessed anytime from anywhere with ease!

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai They will also give you in-depth concepts knowledge in Android Application Development, JAVA language, and fine use of the Latest Android Studio and deployment on Android Devices like Smart Phone or Android tablets.

Flutter mobile app development Course in Mumbai After completion of the training program, our experts will give advanced training to guide students with the latest technologies.

We will provide the training certificates by approved technology partners to help students crack the interview and get their dream job.

Their trainers all have 10+ years of experience in the web designing field.

Android is growing rapidly, so there is always going to be a need for android developers.

EduNaka.com is one of the leading Flutter mobile application training institutes offering the best Flutter mobile Application development training.”

EduNaka.com provides the best Flutter mobile application development institute.

With Touch screen devices, tablets, and smartphones becoming a part of our daily life, android development has achieved much popularity across the globe.

It is the most wanted platform. Every company is keen to hire Android developers to create new applications for their business.

It is a popular open-source platform that helps to develop feature-rich, scalable, and robust applications.

It can only be possessed through Android development training from experts.

Build the confidence

Speak with confidently

Add your experience in Resume

So benefits of training programs for new students.

Increase skill and Knowledge

Practical knowledge

To be a skilled developer, one has to be trained in the programming language and should also have intense knowledge of Android development methodologies.

Happy Learning

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