Free Online MERN Stack course
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What is MERN Stack?
MERN stack is the name given to a set of JavaScript based technologies used in developing web applications. MERN is the acronym name given to the set of technologies including Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS/ Redux and Node JS. Among these technologies Mongo DB is a database system, Node JS is a back-end runtime environment, Express JS is a back-end web framework and React is a front-end framework. MERN stack is a web development framework. It consists of MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS as its working components. MERN stack is a web development kit which is used to develop a software product. A stack is the collection of technologies used in making a web application. And web application is built with a variety of technologies like frameworks, libraries, databases, etc. Amidst this, in recent years, the MERN Stack development has created a buzz. Are you searching for the finest MERN Stack Training? Free Online MERN Stack course provides the best MERN Stack Training. We are a reputed Free Online MERN Stack course, providing the Best Free Online MERN Stack course. MERN stack developer uses four open-source components: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. JS. These components provide an end-to-end framework for developers to work in. So, these was a brief explanation on the basic work function and skills required to be a MERN Stack Developer. We also offer a 100% placement help to all our learners. The placement cell at MERN Stack Training Institute conducts one to one mock interviews for the Free Online MERN Stack course as well as aptitude training sessions and soft skill training workshops to make the trainees completely ready to face any kind of interview to secure a job in the top IT companies. Free Online MERN Stack course converts a novice computer user to a Mern Stack professional through our course which provides in-depth knowledge of the popular software programming language.
MERN Stack Training Institute’s Free Online MERN Stack course is sensibly planned and executed by the expert faculty according to the needs of the top industries. The course focuses on training the students to form an application using the Mern Stack programming most powerfully and at countless speed. The MERN Stack is a JavaScript stack created for a smooth development process. MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js are the four open-source modules that makeup MERN. These components work together to create an end-to-end frame. This set of frameworks and tools are very specifically chosen to work together in to create a well-functioning software this set of frameworks and tools are very specifically chosen to work together in. Free Online MERN Stack course provides a real-world training experience to progress the skills of the students enrolled with us to be Mern Stack specialists. We have the greatest world-class structure and lab services for our students. Further, MERN Stack allows you to construct a 3-tier architecture, which includes the front-end display tier (React.js), application tier (Express.js and Node.js), and database tier (MongoDB). Besides, it benefits career prospects as a developer if you create and deploy effective MERN applications. Therefore, many Free Online MERN Stack course like Cyber Success are coming up with an extensive syllabus to shape the best professionals. Free Online MERN Stack course offers elastic timings to all our scholars. Free Online MERN Stack course Plan in as per the student requirement. If the schedule doesn’t match, we pay 100% attention to arrange it on the proper time. One of the best Free Online MERN Stack course.
Free Online MERN Stack course provides co-operating classroom training and majorly our set of courses is based on real-world learning to increase the working aids of the students using the actual software program. The practical lessons prepare the students in such a way that after the completion of the course they are ready to lock a job at an MNC as a Mern Stack professional. The students are given real-time training. The trainees are given a chance to work on actual time projects under the mentorship of the professionals to give them the real hint of the MERN Stack world. The MERN stack developer uses JavaScript stack that’s designed to make the development process smoother.
Here are the details of what each of these components is used for in developing a web application when using MERN stack:
MongoDB: A document-oriented, No-SQL database used to store the application data.
ExpressJS: A framework layered on top of NodeJS, used to build the backend of a site using NodeJS functions and structures. Since NodeJS was not developed to make websites but rather run JavaScript on a machine, ExpressJS was developed
ReactJS: A library created by Facebook. It is used to build UI components that create the user interface of the single page web application.
NodeJS: The JavaScript runtime environment. It is used to run JavaScript on a machine rather than in a browser.
MERN Stack Projects
React movie search app
Instagram clone in Ionic
Building a blog with Gatsby
Food ordering app with Strapi and Next.js
Build a JavaScript powered Candy Crush
MERN Stack Full Form – MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, after the four key technologies that make up the stack.
MongoDB – document database
Node(.js) – the premier JavaScript web server
Express(.js) – Node.js web framework
React(.js) – a client-side JavaScript framework
Free Online MERN Stack course structure
Introduction to HTML Structure & Page.
Character effects w.r.t physical/logical
HTML Forms for User Input
HTML5 Canvas
HTML5 – Client-Side Storage
Introduction to HTML5 Client-Side Storage.
Types of Client-Side Storage
Frames in web pages.
Implementing frames.
New Form Elements
New HTML elements such as date, number, range, email, search and Data list
HTML 5 – Page Layout, Browser Support, Enhanced Form Elements.
Audio And Video
Usage of forms in web pages
Types HTML elements
Text field / Text area
Check box, Radio buttons, Select Boxes, Password & Drop-down menus
Hyper Links
Understanding & Implementing hyperlinks in web pages.
Adding hyperlinks to list items and table contents.
HTML table or Web Tables
Customize table format like cell spanning, cell spacing, border.
Bulleted List
Numbered List
Image Handling
Images in web pages
Add & implement images with proper attributes
Images in the form of Hyperlinks
- CSS / CSS 3
Introduction & Benefits
CSS Syntax
External Style Sheet using
Multiple Style Sheets
Borders & Outline
Margin & Padding
Height and width
Vendor Prefix
Current status of -moz, -o, etc.
When and Why to Use
Implementing CSS 3
HTML5 Shims / jQuery
LESS, SASS, and Other CSS Preprocessors
CSS Grid Systems / Frameworks
Transitions, Animations &Transforms
translate(), rotate(), etc.
3D: rotateX(), rotateY() /
changing, for example, the width of a div on hover (without JS)
animations: @keyframes, animation
Background / Multiple Background
RGB and RGBA / Alpha factor / Opacity & Transparency
Using currentColor
Working with gradients.
CSS List Tables
list-style-type / list-style-position
list-style-image / list-style
Value Lengths and Percentages
CSS Syntax
Single & Multiple Style Sheets
Value Lengths and Percentages
CSS Selectors
Color Background
Background-image, repeat, position
CSS Cursor
CSS Text Fonts
color, background-color
text – decoration / align / vertical-align / indent / transform
white-space / letter-spacing / word-spacing / line-height
font-family / font-size / font-style
font-variant / font-weight
CSS Box Model
CSS Dimensions
CSS Display Co-ordinates & Location
CSS Visibility / Display / Scrollbars
CSS Positioning
Static, Fixed, Relative & Absolute Positioning
CSS Layers with Z-Index
CSS Tables
border / width & height / Text-align / vertical-align / padding / color
Boxes & Border Effects
Appearance / Image Borders
Box Shadow
Rounded Corners / Resizing
Outline Offsets
Color, Gradients, Background Images, and Masks
New Color Names / Non image Gradients
Multiple Background Images / Image Masks
Background-size, Background-origin, Background-clip
CSS Floats
The float / clear Property
The clearfix Hack
Columns, Flex Box
Column-count, Column-gap, Column-rule
Multiple Column Layouts / Alignment
Gaps between Columns
Box-orient, Box-pack, Box-align, Box-flex, etc.
Display: box / Grouping and Changing Orientation
Media Queries
Targeting Device Capabilities: Width, Screen Size, Color Depth, etc.
Building Responsive Sites: Implications for Mobile
- Bootstrap
What is Bootstrap Framework
Why Bootstrap
What is Container & Offset Column
Reordering Columns
Advantages of Bootstrap Grid
Bootstrap Components / Plugins
Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
What is Responsive web page
How to remove Responsiveness
Features of Bootstrap
Mobile-First Strategy
Environment Set up
Implementing Bootstrap in Applications
Bootstrap Grid
Bootstrap Grid and implementation of Bootstrap Grid
Display responsive Images & change class properties
Customize Bootstrap’s components & jQuery plug-in.
Bootstrap Typography & its use
Bootstrap Tables, Form Layout & Bootstrap Button
Muted and Warning Text Messages
Carets Classes / Hide or show the text in Bootstrap
- JavaScript
Front-End HTML, CSS and JavaScript!
Understand JS Editors, Where to place your JS Code? Using CodePen
Webkit’s Web Inspector / Analyzing & Tracking down errors
JS versions (EcmaScript5 and EcmaScript6)
Browser Support / Javascript Output Methods
JavaScript Variables / Comments / Console /
Symbols / Code quality with ESLint
Classes, Inheritance
Generators / Proxies
Async, await flow control
Map, Set Operators
Creating the XMLHttp
Request Object
Managing Ajax Requests
JSON Introduction
JSON Parse / Stringify / Object
XMLHttpRequest Object
XHR Methods / Properties
Introduction to Modules,
Dynamic imports
Export and Import
Advance working with functions
Recursion and stack / Rest parameters
Closure / spread operator
The old “var”
Global objects and their usages
The “new Function” syntax
Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval
Decorators and forwarding, call/apply
Binding of Function
ES6 Features
Let, Var and Const Keywords
Arrow Functions, Default function arguments
Template Strings
Object Destruction
Array Manipulation Functions
Array.from(), Array.of(), Array.find(), Array.findIndex(), Array.some(), Array.every()
ES6 Tooling / Babel, npm, webpack overview
Type System / Primitive types & type inference
Object type & type inference
Function type & type inference
Enums, Tuples / Nullable types
Union types, intersection types
Never and void types
OOPS in typescript
Classes, Class properties, Static Properties
Constructors, getters & setters / Namespaces and Modules
Inheritance, Abstract classes, Interfaces
Access modifiers
Namespaces and multiple files / Loading modules
Generics / Generic functions, classes
Generic types and arrays
Constraints / Decorators / Class Decorators
Decorator Factories
Method Decorators / Property Decorators / Parameter Decorators
Typescript essentials
tsc and tsconfig file / debugging typescript
Data Types in JavaScript / Operators
Conditions & Loops
Date Objects
Arrays and Array Methods
String and String Methods
“use strict” Directive
Objects Functions
Prototypes, objects
BOM (Browser Object Model)
Document / Navigator Object
Location / Screen Object
DOM (Document Object Model)
Browser environment, specs
DOM tree / DOM Methods
Searching: getElement*, querySelector*
Node properties: type, tag and contents
Attributes and properties / Styles and classes
Element / Window size and scrolling
Modifying the document / Coordinates
Ajax Development
Promises, async/await
Introduction: callbacks
Promise & Promises chaining
Error handling with promises
Promise API / Promisification
- MongoDB
What is NOSQL
What is CRUD
Types of NOSQL
Replication & Sharding
CRUD Operations
Indexes & different types of Indexes
Properties of Indexes
Explain Plan in MongoDB
Mongostat / Mongotop
Logging Slow queries / Profiling
Types of Aggregations
What is Aggregation?
The Aggregate() Method
Pipeline Concept
Pipelines / Pipeline Flow / Pipeline Operators
$match, $unwind, $group, $project
$skip, $limit, $sort, $first, $last, $sum
Replication and Sharding
What is Replication / Sharding
Purpose of Replication
Understand Replica Set
Sharding Mechanics
Crud Operations
Upsert / Query Interface
Operators and Logical Operators
Wrapped Queries and Query Operators
Basic Operations
Crud Operations
Basic Operations using Mongo Shell
Data Model
MongoDB – Datatypes
BSON Types
The _id Field
Document / Document Store
Blog: Bad Design / Better Design
- Express JS
What is Express JS
Express.js Installation / app.js
Express.js Application
Application, request, response object properties & methods
Request/Response in Express.js
Request-params, body, files, route, header, get
Response-render, locals, status, json, redirect
Using middleware
Types of middleware
Application level middleware
Express-json, session, logger, compress
Router level / Built-in / Third party middleware
Express 4.0 Router
Working of Express.js works
Installation of Express.js
Basic Example
Templating Engines
Introduction to Engines
pug Templating
Tags in pug / id and classes in pug
Attributes and Nesting Tags in pug
Using if & unless / for & each in pug
Using case & mixins in pug
Include & Extend in pug
EJS Templating / Express Handlebars
Dive into Express.js
Connect Module
- React
React introduction
Overview of frameworks, libraries for client side Web applications
Configuration & Setup of React Application
Understanding commands w.r,t NPM
Understanding & Limitations of JSX
Components Styling
CSS Styling
Scoping & Limitations of Inline Styles
CSS Modules, importing css classes
Using Psuedo classes / media queries with inline styles
Inline Styles with Radium
Adding Bootstrap, Semantic UI to React apps
Using react-bootstrap, reactstrap packages
React Components, Props and State
Props and State
Two way data-binding
Dynamically rendering contents
Manipulating the State
Functional VS Class Components
Parent / Child Communication
Handling Events with methods
Lists, List and keys
Understanding React Error Messages & Handling Logical Errors,
Debugging React apps using google developer & React DevTool
Understanding Error Boundaries
Life Cycle of React Component
Updating life cycle hooks
Pure Components
React’s DOM Updating Strategy
Returning adjacent elements / Fragments
React Components Indepth
Higher Order Components
Passing unknown Props
Validating Props / Using References
React Context API
Updated Life Cycle hooks
Practices followed in React Projects
HTTP Requests / Ajax Calls
HTTP Requests in React
Introduction of “axios package”
Creating/Using Axios instances
HTTP GET Request, fetching & transforming data
Handling Errors
Adding / Removing Interceptors
React Routing
Routing and SPAs
Setting Up the Router Package
react-router vs react-router-dom
Preparing the Project For Routing
Passing & extracting route/query parameters
Switching Between Pages, Routing-Related Props
The “withRouter” HOC & Route Props
Navigating Programmatically
Switch to Load a Single Route
React Forms & Validation
Creating a Custom Dynamic Input Component
Setting Up a JS Config for the Form
Dynamically Create Inputs based on JS Config
Adding a Dropdown Component
Handling User Input / Form Submission
Adding Custom / Fixing Form / Common Validation
Adding Validation Feedback
Showing Error Messages
Handling Overall Form Validity
Testing & Deploying
Testing React apps with JEST
Deploying React App
Debugging React Apps
VS Code extensions for ES6, React
Features and Syntax of React Essential
React App Project Directory Structure
Overview of Webpack, Babel
React Component & Implementation
Implementing & Reusing Components
- Node JS
Introduction to Node JS
What is Node JS?
Advantages of Node JS
Utility Modules
Node Package Manager
What is NPM
Installing Packages Locally
In package.json add Dependency
Installing & Updating packages globally
Node JS Modules
Module / Module Types
Core / Local Modules
Module Exports
Creating Web server
Creating web server
Handling http requests
Sending requests
File System
Writing a File / Asynchronously
Opening & Deleting file
IO Operations
Debugging Node JS Application
Core Node JS debugger
Debugging with Visual Studio
EventEmitter class
Returning event emitter type
Inhering events
Traditional Web Server Model
Node.js Process Model
Setup Dev Environment
Install Node.js on Windows
Working in REPL
Node JS Console
Event Loop
Callback Concept
Global Objects
Streams / Buffers
Happy Learning
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